First Day of School

Well, it’s official.

I am the mother of a middle-schooler and a third grader. 

The morning went well. Little Bit was awake about 20 minutes before I had planned to wake her up (think she was excited?) and Big Girl got up on time as well.img_1920

I made chocolate chocolate chip muffins for Little Bit and a strawberry-banana smoothie for Big Girl’s breakfast.  It was the smoothest morning we’ll probably have all year. (hee hee)


I’m not sure who was more excited (or nervous) of the two of them. I walked Little Bit into school and got a cute picture of her with her teacher.  Big Girl, of course, needed no such escort and I dropped her at the door. 

I’ve got dinner started in the crock-pot and I’m thinking about baking a cake or some cookies so the girls have a yummy after-school treat today.

And now, I’m off to wade through the emails and meetings of my day – at least until it’s time to pick up the monkeys this afternoon…

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