It’s a nappy kind of day

Outside my window, it’s gloomy and grey. Low clouds full of mist hanging over the mountain and grey, sad skies. (as a matter of fact, you can’t even see the mountain)

IMGP3320It’s the first day the girls are back to school since the great blizzard last week. They were none too happy to be awakened early this morning and I think would’ve been quite happy to stay at home again today. 

I had to chuckle, though, reading Facebook early this morning – all of the mommies celebrating the back to school day and the return of their routines and peaceful houses. I have to admit, I’m pretty happy about that as well, although I will miss the monkeys while they are at school.

A lot of mommies, I’m sure, are planning to catch up on some rest today – I am positive that (even if no one admits it) many moms take naps during the day. Especially if you have toddlers and they nap. I know I did when Little Bit was a toddler. Some days, you didn’t have a choice – I’d just collapse and fall asleep as I was trying to get her to fall asleep.

As I was thinking about that this morning, I wondered, do people have a favorite nap place?  Is there somewhere you love to nap?

For me, my favorite nap spot is on my sofa. If the kids are home, I can still hear them and know they are safe and happy. If no one is at home, I revel in the peace and quiet and the fact that I can snuggle down and still hear if anyone knocks on the door or drops off a package.

I am most definitely a napper.  I have been for as long as I can remember. I recognize that some days my body needs just a little more rest than others and I don’t think it’s weak to nap.

SuperMan, on the other hand, never naps. As a matter of fact, if he naps, I get worried and start planning a call to the doctor.  And if he does nap, it totally ruins his sleep that night. He’ll stay up way too late and then is even more tired the next day.

I don’t have that problem, fortunately, and usually sleep just fine after napping.

What about you?

Are you a napper?  Do you have a favorite nap spot?

Until tomorrow…


9 thoughts on “It’s a nappy kind of day

  1. I’m not much of a napper. I feel as though sleeping is mostly a waste of time, but I have to sleep to actually survive,so I do. If I’m absolutely exhausted, I’ll catch a quick nap on the couch. If I nap in bed, I sleep to long.


  2. Fantastic photos! and yes, I am a napper. Especially if I am fed first. As long as I don’t eat, or eat very little, I have loads of energy and can be on the go for hours. Feed me, and I keel over. Anywhere. Preferably a sofa but I will nap in a chair, or on the floor if I have a cushion!


  3. In the bed, under the covers for 30 mins on Friday afternoons—ahh bliss! But for me anything more than 30 minutes sort of takes me into this deep funky sleep that I can’t get awake out of!


  4. Yes, I confess to the odd 40 or 50 winks on the occasional afternoon… I have to nap on the sofa – can’t sleep in bed during the day (except when I am ill). I need to still be “up” and in touch with the house – even if there’s only me and the cat!


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